Our Mission
To glorify God and proclaim Christ in the world through Spirit empowered mercy and truth.
Guiding Principles
> A biblical union of mercy & truth shall set the tone of our fellowship as manifestations of God’s love & holiness reconciled to us in Christ (Psalm 85:10)
> The loving-kindness and grace that God has given us in Christ Jesus must be the foundation of all our relationships. (2Tim.2:24-26; James 3:13-18)
> We reject any pretense of self-righteousness for our standing before God, depending only on the grace given to us through Jesus’ active obedience and atoning death. The believer is complete in Christ, absolutely-forever forgiven, justified, and sanctified (marked and set apart as God’s child). (Rom.3:21-22; Gal.2:21; Phil.3:9; Col 2:10-14)
> We endeavor not to trust in our own wisdom and devices for ministry, but to seek the equipping, empowering and leading of God’s Holy Spirit - the indwelling Presence of Christ – without whom we can do nothing! (John 15:1-5; Gal.2:20)
> The Bible, as the exclusive, God-breathed Word of God, must be the sole authority for faith and practice, overriding tradition, church dogma, personal viewpoints, or modern humanistic philosophies. (2 Tim.3:16-4:4)
> We believe that any portion of the Bible may be applied legalistically by the natural “religious” man, or graciously by the Spirit through the new and living way provided by Christ in the New Covenant. Applied legalistically, the letter kills, always bringing condemnation and death. Applied graciously, the Spirit gives life, bringing us to salvation and closer intimacy with Christ. (2 Cor.3:3-18; Heb.10:16-20)
> While cherishing the truth that all believers are united in the spiritual Body of Christ, often called the Universal Church, we believe the overwhelming emphasis in the New Testament is upon the church as a local assembly of believers, having appointed (ordained) leadership, practicing the ordinances of Christ (Baptism & the Lord’s Supper), and actively engaged in carrying out His Great Commission to proclaim Him in all the world. (Matt.18:17; 28:18-20; Acts 2:41-42; 14:23; 20:17,28; 1 Tim. 3)
> We believe that true faith is given by God’s grace, is wrought by the Holy Spirit, is focused on Christ, and proceeds from, and rests upon the inspired truth of the scriptures (the Bible) concerning Jesus Christ. It does not proceed from, nor is it dependent upon, natural enticements, excessive pressuring of the will, nor the presence or absence of miraculous signs, wonders and gifts. (Eph.2:8-9; Rom.10:17; 2Cor.5:7; 2 Tim.3:15-4:4; Rom.15:4; see also Job.13:15; Hab.3:17-18; Mat.16:14; 24:24; 2 Thes.2:9)
> While any style (genre) of music may be used for good or evil, we reject the teaching that certain genre are inherently evil. We believe that it is the great blessing of the church to have such a rich and varied heritage of musical expression with which to praise & worship our awesome God. (Psalm 150)
> We make no issue concerning the clothing people wear to our times of worship. (1 Samuel 16:7)